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Flying Pigs Farm is a small-scale, pastured livestock operation located on the shores of the Battenkill River in Washington County, New York. Since 2000, farmer/owner Michael Yezzi and has raised rare, heritage breed pigs, as well as meat chickens and laying hens for eggs. Over the past ten years we have grown the farm from finishing three pigs in 2000 to over 1,000 pigs in 2014. The farm also raises 1,000 laying hens and 2,500 chickens for meat.
We supply for more than 15 top chefs and many restaurants. If you’re a chef Flying Pigs Farm has... Every week, Flying Pigs Farm delivers FRESH whole and half pigs, and primal cuts (shoulders, loins, bellies, rear legs/fresh hams) to restaurants in New York City and around the Metro area.
Flying Pigs Farm is a small-scale, pastured livestock operation located on the shores of the Battenkill River in Washington County, New York. Since 2000, farmer/owner Michael Yezzi and has raised rare, heritage breed pigs, as well as meat chickens & laying hens for eggs. Every weekend Michael attends Greenmarkets in New York City.